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Category: Healthy Eating

Kick-start that metabolism. When I was a kid I was always told I had a fast metabolism. I could eat

A healthy diet is a necessity for a healthy life. Balanced nutrition allows the body to function properly, and keeps

We all have that one comfort food we just love to eat, but sometimes we eat too much and don't

Chocolate is one of the world's favorite treats. Despite its reputation as an unhealthy indulgence, rumored to cause skin breakouts

Diet faithfulness made easier Dieting is a familiar term, as most everyone has claimed to be on a diet at

Balancing healthy meals with kid friendly options is a challenge. With obesity on the rise, providing proper nutrition to families

As someone who has a close relationship with her spouse, it is hard to imagine not having his support while

By Konstance Bataeff Why is having a weight loss buddy important in eating healthy and keeping oneself accountable? Accountability may

Working to get on track with a workout plan and healthy eating can be hard enough without mixing in a

It can be difficult to work and keep to a healthy eating plan. Planning ahead is essential. Coworkers’ birthdays, holidays,

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