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Category: Healthy Eating

As someone who is in a constant battle between wanting dessert and feeling guilty after eating it, I am always

Lately it seems that “superfoods” are everywhere. You hear about them during the health report on the news. You open

Emotional eating is a habit that many people have developed and may not realize that they are doing. Using food

Whether you’re always on the go or just looking for some easy, healthy snack options, there is something for everyone.

Gluten-free diets are on the rise in popularity due to the increasing numbers of people affected with celiac disease, wheat

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But how do we know how much

Trying to eat the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables can be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be. There

Let’s face it: What with work, gymnastics, shopping, PTA meetings and science fairs, everything is go, go, go. You never

Portion control There are important differences between “serving size” and “portion size.” How much is on the plate versus how

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