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By Aaron Nicholas

Diet faithfulness made easier

Diet faithfulness made easier

Dieting is a familiar term, as most everyone has claimed to be on a diet at one point or another. Yet, the familiarity of this term is met with an infamous feeling since dieting is in no way a simple task. For this reason, this article will both explain why it is important to stay consistent to one's diet and offer ways to actually stay consistent. Both sections combined will avow how to make diet consistency easier.

Why stay consistent?

Diet consistency is a major part of dieting. If one is not consistent, they most likely will lose heart and stop dieting altogether. Here are a few reasons consistency is important:

  • Consistency creates a habit– the more one sticks with their diet, the easier making smarter choices becomes.
  • Consistency eradicates error– small indulgences are fine every now and then, but consistency makes sure they stay "every now and then."
  • Consistency sharpens self-discipline– connected to the first two points, consistency creates self-discipline, which allows one to stick to their good habits.
  • Consistency creates a pattern– dieting becomes easier when one is set into a common routine that they follow without much thought.
  • Consistency leads to quicker results– with fewer errors and relapses, one can reach their desired goal faster.
  • Consistency prevents the need for a second go around– with a newly formed habit, a sharper self-discipline and a familiar routine, consistency allows the dieter to keep their desired results after they have already reached them.

How to stay consistent?

The hardest part of dieting is not starting the diet, but sticking with it. It does not matter how many diets one starts if they never finish them. For this reason, below is a list of ways to stay consistent to one's diet:

  • Eat breakfast– people that skip breakfast tends to overeat, whether it be snacking or overeating during lunch and dinner.
  • Eat at home– it gets more difficult to make smart choices when looking at delicious and often fattening foods at eat-out restaurants.
  • Limit personal indulges– sugary desserts or "cheat meals" are allowed every now and then (dieting should not be tortuous), yet one must limit this to at the most once a week, rather than once a day.
  • Have accountability– asking a loyal friend for accountability makes one feel empowered and that they are not alone.
  • Journaling– keep track of the foods consumed will help you to both acknowledge errors and create personal accountability.
  • Hunger vs craving: know the difference– simply wanting food is not a justifiable reason to eat-know when you need to eat and when you're having a craving.
  • Don't give up– when failings happen, don't give up! Mistakes happen, but persevering though them is always better than just giving up.


As stated earlier, dieting is not an easy task. It takes great willpower and a lot of patience. Yet, despite dieting being hard, it is not impossible. Knowing why consistency is important and actually staying consistent is a huge part of realizing that fact. With the right diet and the ability to stay consistent, one will understand that they can achieve their goal and be begin a new, healthier lifestyle.

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