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Category: Healthy Eating

Being a vegan can be challenging at times because you are looking for ways to make your meals more interesting.

Natural v. Artificial Flavors By: Jonathan Lichtenfeld In recent years there has been a major spike in trends regarding health

Italian restaurants offer a variety of delicious options and sometimes the portions are bigger than one would like. But if

A dietitian is an expert in dietetics, which is the study of human nutrition and diet regulation. Dietitians change their

A decade ago, your healthy menu options for a quickie lunch were a side salad or a bland chicken sandwich.

We know that fruits and vegetables are important for better health but it becomes a challenge when we do not

Top 10 superfoods The food we consume can either contribute to our health and longevity or accelerate aging and invite

One thing I have heard over the years with frequency was women who say that they could eat whatever they

I don't know about the rest of you but turning food into a caterpillar has not made my children want

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