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Category: Relationships

Single individuals choose to promote themselves on dating sites more than doing things the old-fashioned way. That seems true no

The benefits of downsizing a home are numerous. Paying a smaller mortgage is always a good idea, as is smaller

I'm just going to say it, Valentine's Day SUCKS if you're single. There are exceptions, some people couldn't care less

When I announced that my boyfriend and I were planning on getting married, half my family disapproved of who I

When it comes to raising children, parents have only 15 years to do it right. It does not matter if

Love is hard. The good stuff is easy: the loving, the intimacy, the celebration. It's the gritty parts that make

Simmering (or breadcrumbing) is the act of keeping a prospective romantic interest on a leash – close enough to keep

This town is poison. Like Hotel California, you can leave whenever you please, but your soul is encapsulated in everything

For anyone who has never experienced one, long distance relationships are hard. Some would even venture to say they suck.

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