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By Paul Kasprzak

Social media gets President Trump in trouble

Social media has changed people’s lives for better and for worse. In the case of President Donald Trump that would be for the worse.

Trump is well known for his ranting on the social media site Twitter. Of course there are some people out there that have never even ventured into the world. So, let’s start with a little breakdown of the most popular social media site Facebook and compare it with Twitter.

Pretty much everyone has heard of Facebook, because of its coverage in the news. The big deal is the ability to keep in contact with friends and family by posting pictures of events, other things that go on in your life, and thoughts on these events.

Twitter is completely different as it is a social media site that is basically a conversational and thought tool. Also with Facebook your post can contain as many characters that you want, but with Twitter you are limited to 140 characters. Due to this, it has become popular amongst the media for breaking news.

It’s great that these sites allow you to keep on top of things, but there is one negative. You can very easily get in trouble with social media.

The thing with the internet is that it’s nearly impossible to get rid of something once you put it on the internet. Unfortunately Trump hasn’t learned that lesson with his latest Twitter rant that is once again all over the media.

Friday morning Trump tweeted a threat to former FBI Director James Comey that there better be no tapes before he starts leaking to the press. The big thing here is that nobody knew or even thought that there would be recordings. The reason is that former President Richard Nixon was caught admitting on tape to obstructing justice.

Also, people don’t realize that in the District of Columbia you only need one party consent to record where in many states you need all the parties involved.

Now, most people who use Twitter try to keep a complete thought to one tweet to allow responses. However, Trump doesn’t do that as his come several at a time, which has been termed a Twitter rant.

Shortly after the Comey tweet, Trump wrote another post asking when will the investigation end since former President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others say there isn’t any collusion.

The problem is that Clapper later that day in an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell refuted Trump’s claim. Clapper explained that he was compiling a report on Russia’s interference of the 2016 election and deferred to the FBI in regards to the collusion. So he doesn’t know anything about what or who the FBI is investigating.

Here is where Trump can get into trouble.

This all started on March 4 when Trump claimed on Twitter that Obama had his wires tapped. Then on March 31 Trump encouraged his former national security adviser Mike Flynn to seek immunity. So, with these four tweets, and Trump’s interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, one can easily make a case for obstruction of justice which will then get Trump impeached as these are now documented evidence.

So, watch what you post on social media as it can lead you into trouble with the police.

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