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By Sarah Jo Lorenz

Introduction to easy home use of essential oils

Smells can do amazing things and trigger memories, feelings and physical changes we may not even be aware of at that moment and time. Essential oils are more than just an alternative to perfume or air fresheners. They have been used in all of mankind's history for centuries thanks to their natural healing properties.

With the growth in trends that look towards a more holistic approach to wellness, more and more people are discovering the benefits of essential oils and are using them in their day to day life and enjoying the benefits.

Here are some of the common essential oils that people have found helpful in dealing with the symptoms of allergy flare ups.


As one of the most popular oils, this fragrant oil helps to fight symptoms including congestion, headaches and respiratory conditions. There is also powerful instances of anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and expectorant properties, which is why eucalyptus is commonly used in muscle rub and cough drops. When mixed with a carrier oil topical application to chest and throat is also helpful and helps speed relief of even the worst symptoms.


This essential oil aids breathing and reduces the constriction of the chest and throat by opening sinuses and airways. It is also helpful in fighting infection and relieving the pain of a headache and muscular strains, and it also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Carrier mixes can be use on the temples, neck and chest to send powerful relief quickly and reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.


The essential oil blend of lemon boosts immunity, improves blood flow and relieves respiratory issues. It is an excellent antibacterial agent, making it a great allergy fighting component for many aroma therapy uses. Lemon essential oil helps clean the environment and the air, which helps remove allergens from the air and makes them less likely to trigger allergic reactions in the first place.


Perhaps the most mot commonly used essential oil, lavender is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, to be important to building and strengthening immunity, helping in relieving headaches and muscle pain, and it also is powerful as a natural antihistamine. It has a very calming and relaxing, soothing aroma that many people find enjoyable and comforting, which makes it great for use every day and in a variety of essential oil blends.

Roman Chamomile

Although this is a newer blend for the essential oils, this offering has great anti-inflammatory, relaxing and pain relieving properties. As a powerful antispasmodic and muscle relaxant, some people have found it helpful for allergy relief to indoor stimulants such as dust and mold but not as useful for outdoor allergies such as pollen.


Acting as both an antispasmodic and disinfectant, this essential oil is used in aromatherapy for a range of applications, but it is very beneficial when used on its own or in blends to help with allergy symptoms. It helps to relieve breathing difficulties and suppress coughing while helping to make a more productive cough.


As an analgesic, expectorant and stimulant, ginger has a great smell that many people enjoy. It has been shown to help decreases respiratory symptoms including constricted airways, wheezing, nasal and chest congestion, and coughing. Many people like the smell of ginger so it is a great oil that can be used in a number of ways to help deal with allergy symptoms.

Summary and concluding thoughts

One way to achieve the maximum benefit from the essential oils that you decide to use is to massage the carrier and oil mix around the neck and behind the ears. Another way to get treatment throughout the day is to have a handkerchief that you add a few drops of the oil to and inhale it deeply a few times throughout the day as needed for on-the-go relief.

To fight severe congestion, especially night time pressure before bed, add a few drops of your chosen oils in a bowl with hot steaming water. Put a towel draped over your head and lean over the steaming bowl and breathe in the rich vapors. To relieve severe or persistent allergy symptoms, combine two drops of your essential oils in a small amount of water. You can take the mix and use it as a gargle and mouth rinse to get some relief from the sinus symptoms and pain.

Diffuse the oils in a room with a special steam or wick diffuser to give all day and all night relief from your allergy symptoms. For bed time relief of your allergy symptoms, add a few drops of oil to your pillow. One of the best ways to get the best result from your essential oils is to use them a month before your allergy season starts and to continue using them for a month after to ensure you stay as healthy as possible.

However you choose to use oils, there are many ways they can help speed comfort to even your worst allergy symptoms.

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