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By Johnnie Guerrio; Freelance Writer

How to take care of a depressed cat

While many people think of mental illness and only see it as something humans can go through, this is actually quite the contrary. Our furry loved ones, like felines, can deal with mental illness as well. The main illness being depression. So how do we know if it's just a bad day for our cat, or depression? This article shows you what to look for, as well as how to take care of your fur baby. Know the signs, follow doctor approved tips, and get your once-playful and sassy feline back on its feet.

Depression symptoms
Just like we search for symptoms of mental illness in humans, we must do the same for our cats as well. The five biggest signs that something is wrong with your furry friend is that the animal shows a lack of appetite, becomes aggressive, sleeps more than usual, urinates in the house, and chews or bites the skin and coat.

The causes of cat depression
The tricky part is finding the reason for the cat's depression. Veterinarians can easily find the cause of your pet's blues by asking a few simple questions. However, a trip to the vet isn't always necessary. Here are just a few causes of depression in cats: the death of a family member they may have been close to (this includes another pet), boredom, and an absence of a playmate. The biggest cause, however, is lack of attention and affection.

How to fix the problem
The easy way to fix your fur baby's depression is to increase the amount of time you spend with your cat. Whether playing or letting it be near you could be all your cat needs. Even a simple chunk of time cuddling your cat, or playing with it, can make it feel better. Other ways you can help heal your cat's mental affliction is to find and use a homeopathic remedy, which can be found in pet stores. Your vet may be able to suggest a remedy for you as well. In severe cases, your cat may have to be placed on antidepressants. This, however, is for you and your vet to decide.

We love our cats and would do anything to take their pain away. They are like furry children and nobody likes their children to suffer. Seeing our pets upset breaks our hearts. However, you can help your cat get through this emotional time by simply being there and, in severe cases, going to the vet and asking professionals for advice. There is a cure for cat depression, and your cat will be able to live a long and happy life. We hope these tips help you lift your cat from its depression and get it back on the right and healthy track. Good luck, cat parents!

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