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Category: Health

Meditation, you hear about it, and read about it, but do you actually look and see what meditation is? When

Ab workouts are everywhere. The pursuit to achieve a flat belly has become a prerogative throughout the health and fitness

Antioxidant-rich foods are a great addition to your diet because they fight disease, boost your immune system, and dial up

More than just sending a style message, exercise shoes are designed to provide the comfort and support needed for specialized

Pimples are a common skin disorder that affects millions of people. With pimples, the skin is inflamed and the oil

Being pregnant, I am constantly reminded how staying in shape and keeping active is both extremely difficult yet majorly rewarding.

Frustrating and sometimes career-ending, sport- and exercise-related injuries can happen to anyone. Regardless of your experience or fitness level, it

Hot sauce makes you lose weight? Eating after 7pm is bad? What are some health myths that actually aren't true?

Most people don't think too deeply about habits until the subject comes up in a situation or circumstance. However, we

There has been some debate about which type of exercise, cardio or strength training, is more effective in burning calories,

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