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By Tricia Goss

Best types of career tests for people over 65

Searching for a new job can be stressful at any age, but if you are over 65, it may be especially intimidating. Learn about types of tests that can help you decide in which career field you should seek employment.

A January 2014 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the number of working Americans age 65 and older nearly doubled between 2003 and 2013. While it can help to realize you are not alone, deciding on the right career as someone over 65 can still feel daunting. Taking a variety of career tests can help ensure you realize your strengths and are aware of opportunities for improvement. This awareness can point you toward the best career path for you and define areas in which you can work to attain new skills.

Personality tests

With maturity comes self-awareness and understanding, so as a job seeker over 65, you probably know yourself better than you did in your 20s or 30s. Still, a personality test can be an effective career tool to help determine which jobs best suit your personality.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator may be the most commonly used career test to help identify the test-taker’s personality classification, which pinpoints strengths and preferences that can show the most appropriate occupations and career choices. You can take the test online at the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator website.

Career aptitude tests

You may have held the same job for 30 years, spent most of your adult life as a homemaker or mastered a variety of positions throughout your lifetime. No matter what work experience you have gained, you may have abilities suited for jobs you have never considered. An aptitude test, such as the MAPP Career Test can help match you to potential careers based on your capacity for a wide variety of skills, including many that may seem inconsequential. This test is available at, which is the official site for this assessment.

Computer skills tests

You will likely need at least basic computer skills to find a new position, even if only to submit an online resume or enter your application into an on-site computer kiosk. Finding out the extent of your technical skills may not only help you identify a suitable career, but it might encourage you to seek advanced training, as well.

Community colleges and employment agencies frequently offer tests that assess your computer literacy skills from rudimentary Windows tasks to common software applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel.

Fitness tests

You may not put fitness in the category of career testing, but depending on the type of job you would like to obtain, it may be advisable. Mature does not mean unhealthy.

Even if you are in terrific shape, if you seek a career that requires a fair deal of lifting, bending, climbing standing or even sitting for long periods, it is a good idea to ensure that you can handle it before trying to tackle the job rather than nurse an injury later. Talk to your primary care provider about tests available to you.

Article sources

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

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