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By CainFinity

Why is a workout routine important?

It can be hard to start working out, but the question is, how bad do you want it? Are you willing to commit and invest 100 percent of your time and effort and really stick to it? Are you tired of being overweight and ready to make a change in your life? It might seem hard at first, and you might think you won’t be able to do it. But where there is a will there is a way. There are so many benefits that will be noticed once it becomes a regular, normal everyday life routine. Having a workout routine is very beneficial in many ways.

Helps reduce anxiety

It has been proven that incorporating aerobics into a workout can lessen anxiety. When exercising, the body motivates the production of the “feel great” endorphins.

Strong bones

As a person becomes older the bones start deteriorating, and by exercising the bones get stronger. Lifting weights, jumping and jogging are some ways to make bones stronger.

Boosts memory

Physical movement (stretching and flexibility) help prevent arterial aging that causes Alzheimer’s. Working out (physical activity) enhances growth factors and stimulates the neurological connections in your brain, for better brain activity.

Better sleep

Studies have shown that people who follow a daily workout routine are more alert during the day and can sleep profoundly during the night.

Improves mood

Physical activity causes the body to produce endorphins. The endorphins communicate with the brain and lessen the feeling of pain. Endorphins give a positive feeling to the body.

Energetic feeling

Workouts such as walking or jogging for 15-20 minutes on a daily basis will help.

Builds muscle mass

The three major exercises for building muscle mass are push-ups, pull-ups and squats.

Reduces fat

High intensity interval techniques help reduce that hard-to-lose body fat in the mid-stomach area. One high intensity exercise involves riding your bike, starting off slow, accelerating, and going back to slow mode. That causes your heart rate to go up. Other techniques are running, Tabata squats, and boxing. All these should be done with pauses in between.

Reduces arthritis risk

If there is no physical activity in your life, the muscle and tissue around the bones have no protection. Working out strengthens muscles and will reduce joint pain.

Improves quality of life

Workouts are said to improve mental and physical health and prevent diseases.

Enhances flexibility

One of the most difficult exercises is yoga. It can be tricky when trying it for the first time. But not only does it make a person flexible, it is also relaxing and soothing.

As you can see, there are many benefits as to exercising and keeping active with a workout routine.

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