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By Daniel Potts

Sports and alternative sports can be fun for all ages, all types of people, and all experience levels!

What many people think about sports and alternative sports may be a little skewed.

What most think of when they think of alternative sports is incredible cliff jumps, huge skateboard ramps, and death-defying stunts. When they think of regular sports they think of football, soccer, baseball, and basketball.

Growing up I remember playing baseball, football, basketball, and running track. These sports were very fun, don't get me wrong, but the most fun, in my opinion, is to be on a mountain or in the ocean. When it comes to sports I think we really need to consider the other possibilities out there.

Skiing, snowboarding, surfing, mountain biking, hiking, and rock climbing seem to be considered vacation activities, since the average American does not have access to the ocean or mountains.

Many towns have access to a local ski hill, some off-road trails, and maybe a lake or a metro park. People seem to think they don't have enough money, or enough time, or it's too dangerous, or they would rather stick to golf.

We need to be more open when it comes to outdoor activities and maybe get a little crazy sometimes and venture out and explore the outdoors a little bit more. When spending a day at the local metro park, you can walk a trail, go fishing, rock climb, or go mountain biking.

In the winter time there is still plenty to do! There is skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing or Nordic skiing. Enjoy the outdoors for a day.

If you're taking some time to go to the ocean or lake, there is surfing, wake boarding, water skiing, fishing, or swimming. You don't have to be an expert surfer to get out there and try!

Some of the sports that I personally enjoy include skiing, hiking, golfing, swimming, basketball, tennis and volleyball.

It's funny — when I tell people I ski and snowboard they automatically ask me what bones I have broken. But when I tell people I went golfing, they don't ask me about broken bones. I don't like to get crazy out there like I used to.

What I tell them now is that I just enjoy a break from the same old same old. I like to try to do different things and enjoy myself in the meantime. I mainly stick to the groomers on the mountains, stay out of the huge waves in the ocean, stick to the easier trails with magnificent views, and stick to hikes that take maybe a few hours.

It's not too hard to still enjoy the "alternative" sports without being a crazy renegade like you typically see on TV or in magazines. It's just nice to enjoy a break and get on a mountain bike, get in the ocean, or ski and ride at some of the best resorts.

In my opinion, the alternative sports just offer a little something different for all ages and all experience levels.

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