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By Ghaza

People require healthy food, but is McDonald's a healthy food chain?

McDonald's Corporation was given a warning in 2012 to provide all its ingredients in front of the Health Association. The Health Association has an issue of obesity to address.

McDonald's cannot ignore further spiralling costs set by health investigation. When children's health was marked urgent, and the CEO of McDonald's said that they are proud of their food items. The corporation is striving hard to sell its positive image and letting consumers know health benefits that McDonald's is working on.


The food of McDonald's will study positive attributes of fast food in this research i.e. through messaging as a point of scale for advertising healthy food ingredients by McDonald's. Further analysis tells how the research has created and seen the positive aspect of McDonald's through asking the below written questions.

  • What is the public perception of fast food?
  • What is the perception of the public about McDonald's product?
  • What can be done to improve the perception of the public about the products sold by McDonald's?

Research (sampling technique)

The selected sample will be taken to do the research i.e. sample of the population. The focus of this investigation is all about fast food lovers i.e. McDonald's only. Therefore random selection will not be possible. More technique that will use for catering target audience in the McDonald's outlet as an example.

Quantitative research

When recipients are set, and population sample has recognised by the researcher, the questionnaire has distributed to the target audience present at McDonald's outlets at a different state of USA.

Qualitative research

In qualitative research, the researcher is using probability method for minimum selection of the target audience based on probability ratio such as 10,000 sample data will divide by 15. By doing this, a percentage comes out in such scenario.

Data collection method


The questionnaire will be required to fill out all the relevant questions by customers of McDonald's fast food lovers. Research using the internet as a tool to complete the survey questions.

Possible issues

  • Customers will not give importance to the inquiry email
  • Customers email addresses are not valid anymore.
  • Customers might fill out wrong information by not understanding the questionnaire accurately.
  • Such issues are always present but to tackle this problem another way through a computer has used that will go to an unreachable sample of MC Donald customers.


Another way is a phone. Through phones, customers will be given the incentive to join focus group survey and in return, they will get a gift of $20.


The trend of fast food is increasing day by day, and due to this, the higher percentage of fast food lovers are present in the USA and other countries, where people love eating at McDonald's. The meaning of fast food is that it requires minimum cooking time and is ready to eat in few minutes. The ingredients used in fast food are injurious to health that are refined flour, salt, sugar and calories.

In 1991 till 2001, the ratio of obese patients was only 3 percent but later it has increased the percentage and become injurious to health. The people are taking fast food when they do not have work to do and feel hunger in their free time, so there they eat fast food. Due to having no job in hand and no busy schedule, only feeling hunger and eating McDonald's are a health hazard for the youngsters.

Analysis procedure

The researcher is trying to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food and bring it in front of the fast food lovers. Many people believe a wrong concept that some foods are good, and some food is unhealthy for them. Further, an analysis is present that tells about children who eat fast food at the early stage of their lifestyle face obesity issues. Moreover, such food has resulted in diabetes.

Summary of secondary data

General details about fast food ingredients

The data is gathered from that area where McDonald's has marketed itself to kids and selling injurious food to them. The facts about fast food during 2010 have collected data by knowing the nutritional quality of fast food menus; its advertising on TV, and other channels have provided relevant information. Moreover, advertising has done in a way that attracts the mind of youngsters to come and visit McDonald's outlet on a frequent basis.

Trends in the USA of health consciousness

The kids' meals at McDonald's outlet is 1 percent healthy and rest out of 5,427 meals, 33 meals are okay and contain nutrition components. The menu of McDonald's includes French fries and apples as a happy meal for the kids.

Expected outcomes: Primary research

The research based on the questionnaire will define the objectives of this research and bring fruitful outcomes.

  • What do people think about fast food, especially McDonald's?
  • Does happy meal deal is healthier for the kids?
  • Does consuming fast food is the healthier option for the customer?
  • If they think it is healthy, do they continually willing to eat fast food?
  • Does customer willing that ingredient in fast food should change and bring on healthier ingredient?


McDonald's is a fast food chain and one of the biggest fast food chains around the globe. Therefore it has the greater responsibility to provide its customers with a healthy, wealthy food. There are concerns around the world that obesity and insulin presence in the human body is due to fast food. It is necessary for the Corporation to add healthy ingredients that are hazard free for the kids, adults, teenagers, youngsters and aged people. McDonald's should improve its components and offer healthy ingredients for the individuals who have become loyal customers. McDonald's is one of the famous chains around the globe that has 32,000 outlets in 117 countries. That is why they have a bigger responsibility to bring quality in their food.


Research based on an online sample will give results in a positive ratio that fast food is unhealthy food due to the ingredients that are used in making of burgers, French fries and beverages. The fast food includes fats, sugar, salt and other ingredients that are dangerous for the health of kids. Fast food is considered one of the dangerous food product nowadays as youngsters are getting obesity issue in an early age of their life and diabetes by having an insulin problem.

The data has gathered through primary and secondary sources. However, the MC Wrap is the first initiative by McDonald's to bring healthy wealthy food for their loyal customers. Fast food is something that is consumed on a heavily basis. Some findings tell burgers, French Fries, chicken nuggets, rolls and many other fatty items are bringing craving habit in youngsters. This craving addiction leads to obesity in very early age and results in laziness and other health hazards.

Article sources

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