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By Freelance Writer

Choice of Post Secondary Education Public and Private Colleges Universities

Students pursue different disciplines in their bachelor degree. When choosing the stream in Post-Secondary Education many students from different streams join the same program. The mode of education will depend on the time availability and maturity of the student. Bachelor's degree is opted by most students as full-time education in colleges and universities. While pursuing master's degree many students prefer to pursue part-time education. Students prefer to make a career in certain field and their choice of education here is the most important aspect.
Post-Secondary Education:
This is the education level that you pursue after completing your high-school. You have the freedom to determine the mode of education at this level. Students attending colleges or universities do either on full-time or part-time. There is also another option of doing it as distance education program making it a correspondence education. Students can choose to study at community colleges, public or private colleges, and trade schools, etc.
Choice of Educational mode:
The choices include options as below:
Local Community Colleges: These institutions offer associates and bachelors degree. The period of education for associates will be two-years and for bachelors it is three years.
Pubic and Private Colleges: Colleges offer undergraduate, graduate, masters and doctoral programs. They follow three year programs for bachelors degree and two year programs for masters degree. The size of the colleges tend to be smaller than the universities and the programs offered will also be minimum. Colleges can affiliate themselves with a separate university. There can also be a distinction in providing education only to male or female students in case of colleges.
Public and Private Universities: Universities generally offer four-year programs at undergraduate, graduate, master levels and beyond. Mostly the educational systems and other characteristics of universities resemble the same as colleges. Here there is no separate institution for male and female.
Trade Schools: Vocational training is mostly offered by trade schools. Cosmetics, Beautician, Mechanical, Technical, Nursing programs for hospitals, Fire and Police protection etc., are the courses offered by these institutions. These are generally certificate programs that offer a right to perform those services after completion of such programs. Students pursuing these programs work independently as consultants, entrepreneurs and service professionals more than being employed with in a company. Some programs are offered at Government level and make the students become employed in Government service.
Public and Private education:
Public institutions are government sponsored and offer education at a subsidized rates. Private institutions charge different rates depending on the location, infrastructure provided and other factors. There are non-profit institutions that function as private institutions.
Department of Education:
Education is a separate department as Legal, Civil, Finance, etc. There are many functions and sub-functions in each and every unit of the department. Many people function in different positions to make the department deliver the education required for the masses. Student Loans, Grants and Programs, Research, etc., are provided by the department.
Education in Digital World:
Digitization has come in all sectors and education is no exception. Man and Machine have a marathon race in the present digital world. Students can access study materials online. Research can be performed from a place where you are. Language is no more a barrier for education. Even if you are novice you can become an expert in no matter of time.
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