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Category: Fitness

For most of us, improving our minds is important. This section of our body is responsible for memory and cognitive

Benefits of exercise Do you want to feel better, have more energy, and live longer? Then look no further then

Workout supplements are extremely popular. The main reason they are so popular is that they are really effective. There are

One of the most important things to athletes, bodybuilders and the average gym-goer is that they are able to burn

Fitting exercise into a busy schedule Fitness experts agree that exercising for 20 to 30 minutes three or four days

Resistance bands offer many benefits. They are reasonably priced. Some exercise DVDs come with resistance bands. Resistance bands are good

“Why bother working out on vacation?” We have all said this to ourselves, and we have all regretted it. Cutting

Congratulations on signing up for your first 5K race. You have made the first step on your journey to the

Often, the most difficult aspect of a workout is simply finding the motivation to do it in the first place.

So…you’ve just had your baby and now you need to get back into your exercise routine. Before you can get

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