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Category: Entertainment

I conducted this interview with Joe "Rudy" Lewis, former lead singer of the legendary Drifters and one of the original

Getting into a recording studio can be exciting and terrifying for a new artist, so here are three important things

There has been a decline in going to the movies and the drive-in. Going to the drive-in is nearly obsolete.

The first six-episode season of the new horror anthology series by SyFy, "Channel Zero," kicked off Tuesday, September 27. The

There is no doubt that Marvel films have been home run successes. Captain America is a character beloved by all,

The sequel to the 2013 magic and mystery caper left me feeling more like "now I don't." While I did

October is here and that means the beginning of the holiday season. It also means a bevy of high-caliber movies

Comic or comedian actors/actresses seek to entertain the audience through their amusement, jokes and exaggerated characters such as acting a

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