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Category: Entertainment

Does reality TV portray real life? In my opinion, no! I know reality TV is a big craze now. I

When you see a concert, have you ever caught yourself sitting on the edge of your seat, your fingertips digging

The movie "The Corporation" is based on the book by Joel Bakan. The full title is "The Corporation: The Pathological

We live in an age where electronics rule our lives. As much as I hate to admit it, I am

In this day and age, it is impossible to escape technology. It is in the workplace, on the street, in

Have you ever noticed that humor is an effective way to make a serious point? Whether you are criticizing a

"This DJ is awful." How many times has this been said at a wedding reception, high school dance or birthday

"Do I need to back up my music?" Services such as Pandora, Spotify, and YouTube have seemingly made possessing a

Watching television is one of America's favorite pastimes. With the inventions of Hulu Plus and Netflix, people can sit in

A lot of movie directors appear to believe that the more violent scenes they display, the better received their film

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