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By Katie Hernan

Anxiety and children " techniques and conversation

Anxious is a feeling some may have when sitting for a test or give a speech. But could someone feel more than anxious? Could there be a form of anxiousness they are not understanding? Many of those who do not understand what it feels to be anxious are parents with children suffering from anxiety.


While doctors or therapists may describe anxiety as the mind and nerves working together and creating a debilitating effect that causes one to suddenly worry, what one basically has to understand is the simplicity of its definition. According to Merriam-Webster, anxiety is described as "Apprehensive, uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill." Simple.

Now children, especially many young children, may not fully come to comprehend what is happening to them. Why do they suddenly feel sick to their stomach or why are their hands shaking in a manner that they cannot control? All in all, anxiety can embed in them a deep feeling of fear that something is wrong with them. But as the parent, you must reassure them that nothing is wrong with them, having a conversation that what they are feeling is only anxiety and it is normal.

But there may also be those children who are experiencing anxiety due to bullies, or certain pressures from their peers in school or the pressures of school in general. No matter the form or the reason behind why your child is anxious, there are ways in dealing with anxiety.

At the end of the day, you as a parent do not want your children swallowing these feelings and nervous moments and allowing them to manifest into their early twenties or teen years. Anxiety can become something more than just anxiety. Depression, social anxiety and other disorders tag along with it. So, it is best to manage it before it becomes something that overtakes life.


You as a parent have noticed that on more than one occasion your child has either asked not to attend a peers birthday or a play date, or your child has asked to stay home from school, or managed to cause themselves to feel ill that they must be kept from school. It is nothing to worry about. With a calm mind and cool head, you can figure it out.

  • Conversation. Talking about your child's worries and anxieties may help more than you may believe. Ask your child, what is wrong, what has them worried? It may be something of minor proportion that is a quick and easy fix. Or it may be something more perplexing but talking through it, may help your child feel more at ease, more relaxed.
  • Techniques. Let us face it. As parents, you can not always be with your child, especially when they are on a play date, or in school. It is best to teach your child ways to calm their anxiety. Taking deep calming breaths. Or something they are interested in may be their trigger to calm their anxious minds. Should it be reading, writing, singing, or mathematical equations. Each child has a niche, something they enjoy and it just may help calm their anxieties. Practice this with your child. Give them a form that when they are away from you, it does not worry you that they may have a minor panicked moment, but that they know how to calm themselves.

Worry, it is a way of life. But knowing how to control said worries and anxiety, is all the more helpful, especially when it comes to children. Knowing, tackling, and dealing, may just help any child and parent.

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