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By Osveen Funwi

5 Things You Can Do Today To Increase Website Sales

Websites crowd the Internet. These websites gain visitors, lose them, or lack any. Those that gain visitors, those without them, and those that can convert them into customers differ in these five things.

1. Keeping It Simple: Brands often don’t understand that simple marketing works better than complex marketing. To test the effect of marketing, Corporate Executive Board (CEB) surveyed over seven thousand consumers and interviewed hundreds of executives. They gauged simplicity on the “simplicity index scale,” a measure of the findability and understandability of information, the customer’s trust of the information, and the customer’s ability to choose a brand based on the information. Brands in the top 25 percent were 86 percent likelier than the bottom 75 to be bought by customers, nine percent likelier to be rebought, and 115 percent likelier to be recommended. Thus:

  • Create fact-filled, concise, and simple content. Short content leaves white space, giving the page a ‘Zen’ aura.
  • Integrate pictures into the content because consumers spend more time on relevant images than they do on words. Articles with images every 75 to 100 words got double the social media shares of articles with fewer images, discovered Buzzsumo. On social media, people shared infographics three times more often than other content, supporting the claim that using images in content increases sales.

2. Using Video: Four times as many customers would rather watch a video than consume other content. Video search results have a 41 percent higher click-through rate than text search results. Video increased the conversion rates of 72 percent of businesses. Even without these statistics, it would be obvious that video is important. Video demands attention, evidenced by the fact that video holds people on a site two minutes longer than other media. Video may hold people longer because when explained through video, complex concepts seem simple. An example of successful explanation through video are TED talks.

3. Making Sure That You Have Enough Conversion Points: Conversion points bring in sales, making these points important. The points, which range from subscription tabs to deal offerings, should be at the bottom of the page. At the end of each article, have a subscription tab open up. In exchange for a customer’s email, offer a webinar or book.

To sell, the offers must feel valuable and unique. You must also consider each piece of content as a chance for revenue. The perfect conversion point -and the formula for one- does not exist, so you must know your demographic, its wants, and its needs to make a near perfect point. Each point should satisfy either of those (wants or needs) or provide an unexpected joy, which the consumer did not know of but is now happy to have found. These few sentences are the main tips, but you can use other tips to raise your conversion rate.

4. Sharing Testimonials: Gaining trust is vital. No one will trust you when you speak of your product, because people expect you to exaggerate your product’s benefits. Customers trust only real people, not businesses.

90 percent of customers read online reviews, and 88 percent trust them as much as they do personal recommendations. Seventy-two percent will buy only after they’ve read a good review. Thus, reviews in themselves are testimonials, and just see testimonials’ effect on choice:

If your friends said your crush is irritable, inconsiderate, and has an odor, would you date him? But if instead they said he’s calm, works with the homeless, and has a nice scent, would you date him? Meanwhile, you’ve only seen him once (from across a dim-light room) and have never spoken to him. The ability for both accounts to change your perception of him shows the power of testimonials.

Remember: Real (genuine) testimonials work, and they are more powerful in video than in text.

5. Openly Addressing Concerns: You must review customer questions, conduct surveys, search through comment sections, create blogs, and find out the most talked-about topic. Once you’ve discovered their main concern(s), fix it. This simple act shows your care and their importance. Also, the act builds trust, a factor which causes sales to increase.


Simple acts change everything. For the effect of these acts on your business, compare conversion rates or sales before and after you’ve implemented these strategies. Minding these strategies and employing these five points can increase your website sales.

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