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By Anastasia Stubblefield

4 ways to conveniently honeymoon internationally

When you're deciding on a honeymoon location, you are seeking something relaxing and hassle-free. The idea of a honeymoon internationally might be the opposite of that because of the airplanes, airports, layovers, sleep deprivation and inability to speak the language. If you are in the midst of planning your honeymoon and have always dreamt of traveling, here are a few ways you can enjoy an international honeymoon and have it be as comfortable as a local honeymoon.

Book your hours conveniently

Sleep deprivation due to early flight hours, middle-of-the-night hours or layovers can ruin the honeymoon feel, make both the trip and your spouse unenjoyable, and be the opposite of hassle-free and relaxing. The whole point of a honeymoon is to relax before the hardships of a married life begin. Getting better flight hours may result in paying a few extra hundred, but you'll find that in the end the price was worth it.

Try to get a hotel with a mini kitchen in it

Having a mini kitchen is a luxury that is important if you're on your honeymoon. A kitchen allows you to stay in at night, make breakfast together in the mornings and simply not make you have to go out and eat all the time if you don't wish to. It also gives you this married life feel because you are grocery shopping and cooking together. Getting a kitchen is an amenity that will encourage a honeymoon feel, give you convenience and allow you to relax.

Give yourself a few extra days to not only explore the city but also each other

A honeymoon is a time to get to know your spouse. Exploring a city can definitely be added to the mix when it comes to the honeymoon but don't forget about the first. There is a lot to see and you should have the time to see everything you want together, but let's not forget that this is a honeymoon, and exploring each other is part of the package. The best way to have both is to have enough days to be able to make both work. Make your stay long enough to not only be able to see all the attractions but to relax in the hotel so that in the end it is a honeymoon, not solely a travel trip.

Be flexible with your schedule

This goes hand in hand with having a few extra days because you are not only there to explore a city but also to explore one another. If you have plenty of days you are able to be flexible. If you've spent half the night enjoying each other, then a morning activity can be moved to a different day and you don't have the stress of having to get up after four hours of sleep because all the other days are booked with different activities. Even if you do not have enough days to spare a day in the hotel simply relaxing, still be flexible. Prioritize what you wish to see in the city and allow yourself to enjoy each other.

Going on a honeymoon is a big deal because it is the first of many adventures as a married couple. But you shouldn't be limited to locations due to convenience. There are ways of traveling to a dream country and having a hassle-free, relaxing honeymoon.

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