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By Cherilyn Hearn

Monitoring your dog’s fur for health

Almost all dog owners have experienced the frustration of not knowing all of the things their dog can’t tell them. Luckily, many symptoms and signs of good and bad health conditions can be detected simply by keeping tabs on your canine’s fur, along with their eyes and skin. The ailments that will raise a red flag can be minor to serious.


There is a difference between good looking and not so great fur. If your dog’s fur is shiny, but not oily, not too brittle or dull, then this is the appearance you are hoping to achieve. If the opposite is present, then there may be any number of problems. Most issues would be wise to discuss with your veterinarian, but you can try some obvious things first. Dull, brittle fur treatment can be as simple as feeding your dog a better brand of dog food with more nutrients and making sure that he or she is getting enough hydration. Greasy fur is also a sign of dietary problems, but wherein a special diet may be necessary and a professional should really be consulted. Don’t ever feed a dog anything additional like vitamins or supplements without a prescription. Dryness or dandruff can be a sign of a change in shampoo being necessary, but can occasionally mean that your dog is suffering from external parasites or a hormonal problem.

Losing fur

Losing clumps or excessive fur can be a very critical problem. Pay close attention, as this can mean more serious dietary issues or skin irritation. This can also be a clue that your pet has an actual health condition that requires medication or other medical intervention. At the very least, it is an uncomfortable condition and can interfere with your dog’s ability to maintain body temperature. The best time to watch for symptoms is during grooming, which is important for maintaining your dog’s fur and health in general.

Fleas & skin

Just like in our own bodies, we often wonder about our dog’s fur and forget that it’s health is directly related to their skin condition. Fleas are not household pests, and the itching and scratching can have a horrible effect on your dog’s fur and lead to lesions and infection. Along with diet and veterinary care, regular grooming is essential. If you do this yourself, be sure to research the best tools and products for your animal. Even if you use a professional groomer, be open with them about the specifics of your pet and any concerns you may have. They may see a lot of animals, but each dog is different.

The best tool for keeping your best friend healthy and happy is good observation. Paying close attention to the fur is just one aspect, but if you are keeping an eye on everything, there’s much less chance that anything dangerous will fall through the cracks. Your dog may not be able to talk, but these signs will tell you when something is wrong.

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