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By Jeremy Brooks

How to maximize your child’s study time

For the majority of children, establishing study habits for children can be a tedious task. The reality is this: kids have relatively short attention spans, and they would much rather be doing something more “fun.” However, parents could work this to their advantage. Here are a few strategies you can use when trying to get your child to study effectively:

Have short bursts of focused study

As mentioned earlier, children have short attention spans. Studying for long periods of time will only do them more harm than good, so why waste your time trying to get them to study for hours at a time? Instead, have them review things for about 20 minutes. Having multiple short review sessions as opposed to long ones will greatly help you make your child’s study time more efficient. In addition to this, have a reward system set up. If they study for 20 minutes without any distractions, let them watch their favorite TV show for a few minutes. Then, have another study session.

Get familiar with your child’s learning style

Everyone learns differently, which is why it is important to learn the way your child learns. This will allow for you to tailor your study strategies specifically to your child. Learning styles include auditory, visual, kinesthetic (motion), and writing. While people are generally a mix of the styles, one is usually more pronounced than the others.

Be creative

There is only one word that comes to the majority of kids’ minds when they hear the word “study.” And that word is: boring. That is why it is imperative for parents to make studying an interesting activity. Try to find ways that are fun for them. Try to make games that your children would like to play. Some websites can give you ideas on coming up with creative ways to help. If you don’t want to use the Internet, make a parody of a popular game your child thinks is fun. For example, a parent could make a parody of the game “go fish” by writing words and having to match them with their definitions. A little bit of creativity goes a long way.

Make a schedule

Give your child a couple of hours to decompress after school. Allow them to go play with friends, watch TV, read, or anything else they’d like to do for a few hours. However, set a specific time each night for your child’s studying time to begin. Setting a specific time will not only help your child know your expectations, but it will also teach them to be responsible and accountable, which is an important skill for them to learn in life.

While studying is often seen as a hassle by kids, it does not have to be. The issue with the way parents want their children to study is that it is outdated – it has not adapted to the time period we are in. The way parents studied when they were children may have worked for them, but it is not the same for this generation. Times have changed. Technology is in the equation, and that means that there are more distractions. By adding a little bit of creativity to the mix, parents will find their children actually being okay with study time.

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