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By Heather Ware

How employers can avoid common hiring mistakes

Few things in life are more stressful than a job interview, and that is true for employers as well. There is a lot of pressure to accurately assess the abilities of the potential employee. After all, nobody wants to accidentally hire somebody that cannot do the job. Here are a few easy tips that will give any HR representative the tools to ensure that they are avoiding the common hiring mistakes.

Know the job requirements

It can be hard to determine if someone's skill set is right for a position without being absolutely sure about what traits are needed. Here are a few examples of questions that employers should ask themselves to determine what type of candidate is right for the job.

  • What experience should the candidate have?
  • Do they need a degree?
  • Should they be a hands-on learner, or learn best from watching?

By asking these questions, the traits that are most important will quickly come to light. Once there is a set idea for the ideal candidate, it becomes much easier to determine whether or not an applicant has those skills and abilities.

Avoid the wrong questions

It is not only important to ask the right questions, but also to avoid asking the wrong ones. There are federal laws protecting the rights of employees from discrimination by age, race, disability, etc., and it is important that a hiring manager not accidentally ask any questions that may seem discriminatory.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid asking questions like the following:

  • Where is the accent from? (Race)
  • What church do you go to? (Religion)
  • Do you play any sports in your free time? (Disability)

Avoiding these questions not only allows a hiring manager to focus on better questions, but it also protects the business from legal actions that may result from these types of questions.

Do not trust first impressions

First impressions are tricky things. On the one hand, it can be extremely tempting to immediately hire the candidate with the flashiest credentials. On the other hand, it is not a good idea to hire someone simply because they gave a firm handshake and dressed up for an interview.

The best thing to do is to stick to the skills and experience required for the job. Judge a candidate based on these things, not whether or not they seemed personally likable or how great their application was. By matching up the candidate's own strengths with the skills required for the position, a hiring manager can be sure that they are making an informed decision, rather than deciding for superficial reasons.

Be logical

Overall, the simplest piece of advice for anyone in the hiring process is to simply use their head. By carefully looking at each application and comparing it to what skills are most essential for the position, the entire process becomes much simpler. Any HR manager that keeps their wits about them and considers their options carefully will quickly find themselves hiring the perfect candidate for the position.

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