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Category: Health

Congratulations on signing up for your first 5K race. You have made the first step on your journey to the

Flu season sneaks up on you just as the holidays provide a distraction from your regular diet and lifestyle habits.

Often, the most difficult aspect of a workout is simply finding the motivation to do it in the first place.

So…you’ve just had your baby and now you need to get back into your exercise routine. Before you can get

Most people will rush to treat pimples as soon as they show up on the face, but acne can occur

A lot of people are not interested in using free-weights or machine-weights because they think will develop huge, bulging muscles

Although physical fitness is important for everyone, when you are suffering from any ailment, already unhealthy or overweight, the challenge

Breast cancer does not pick and choose, so why do doctors? As a small town in Illinois plans a fundraiser

Everyone has heard about Flint in the news, catching headlines of a major water crisis. However, where is Flint and

Most of us have been there. You wake up and have no energy. Caffeinated drinks are the number one go-to

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