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Category: Entertainment

You have decided what instrument makes your heart pound with excitement just thinking about playing it, and you have purchased

Do the long running times of movies cause an eventual lack of interest from the audience? A study conducted by

Is it all right to bring your baby to a movie theater? The subject is a sore spot for many

My father, otherwise stoic, was having a mild breakdown. He looked at me with tear-stained cheeks, as he reached for

Ahh, music festival season is upon us. The ice is starting to melt and the air is getting warmer. We’ll

Music is indeed a career that involves educational training or some experience. The music industry has several realms of career

Movies are one of the biggest forms of entertainment. It doesn’t matter if the story is a romantic comedy, or

Ever since the 1950s, television has been a mainstay in homes across the planet. For most of this time, a

“Hurry up, babe. The show is coming on.” Of all family activities, TV is the most time consuming. It seems

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